- - Knowing Christ and making Him known

It is with joy that I welcome you to this website. I sincerely tender my heartfelt appreciation for the time you will spend at this site.

2000 years ago, Jesus Christ paid the supreme prize for the salvation of mankind from every implication of sin. Since after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ more than half the population of the world has not responded to the saving grace that is available in Christ Jesus. The resultant effect has brought many nations through untold hardship under the grip of satanic force.

In 39 of America’s largest urban cities lives half of America’s population. At first glance we see blustering commercial centers, prosperous industries and the finest of culture. But when we look behind the cities mask, when we look with eternal eyes, we see the masses that are lost and naked before a Holy loving God!
When we look into the hearts of people, we feel the hopelessness that crushes their dreams for tomorrow. Constant exposure to sin and depravity has taken its toll. America’s sense of morality and integrity is eroding.
Deep within our cities and countries, thousands feel forgotten, hopeless and alone. People are desperate for Gods love.
Historically Churches have had a role in structuring America and stabilizing communities and countries of the world with the Gospel.
Jesus said,
" I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it." (Matt 16:18 NIV)

Without the church, without God’s people, millions are left with no resource for their sin, no answer for their cries for help , no hope in the darkness of their lonely homes .
SERVANTS OF CHRIST MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, a non-profit Christian Ministry is established to play a major role in the presentation of the Gospel and salvation opportunities to humanity with special focus on the hurting brethren in our urban cities. We take the battle to the enemies’ gates by snatching the hurting populace of America and the rest of the world from the jaws of satanic defeat. This is our Mission.

I welcome you to come with me to an experience of joy in Jesus as we celebrate His Victories together. Please go round the site and feel free to contact me.

May God’s BEST be yours!

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Pastor Walter Slaughter


Luke 10:21 says…the harvest is truly great but the laborers are few ……

Servants of Christ Ministries International is an international evangelistic organization with a vision to bring the message of peace and love of Christ to the nations and the urban inner cities of America at all cost. We reach the lost humanity with special focus on the hurting brethren in the streets. In a society that is so perverse, so individualistic and rabidly materialistic, there is need to apply a soothing balm on frayed nerves, lift up the spirit of those who are despondent and massage the psychological bruises of a pauperized people. With a burden for the rejected and broken hearted, our efforts are geared towards reaching the lost by means of a servant like ministry.
On invitation, we minister in churches, tent revivals, crusades etc in America and the rest of the world under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to turn the lost to our soon coming King, Jesus Christ.
Servants Of Christ Ministries International’s goal is to know Christ, to make Him known and to make disciples of all nations.

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STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe in the full inerrancy of scripture, in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the deity of Jesus Christ, His sinless life, His miracles, atoning death, physical resurrection and visible personal return in power and glory as King of kings and Lord of lords; in the resurrection of believers into everlasting life in heaven and sinners into everlasting punishment in hell; in the present supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, who bestows the spiritual gifts in and among believers on earth since the day of Pentecost and continuing until our Lord's return; in obedience to the Lordship of Christ by water baptism.


Pastor Walter & Christi Slaughter